Isgaard is proud to sing on the new Eloy-album! Eloy is a primary rock of the german art-rock-history.
A photograph from the vocal-session and some nice words from Frank Bornemann/Eloy!

Bild könnte enthalten: eine oder mehrere Personen, Kamera und Nahaufnahme


Dear friends,

the production of our rock opera about Jeanne d’Arc „The Vision“, the Sword & the Pyre“ for the forthcoming Eloy-album is nearly finished and I am happy, that the exceptional singer Isgaard has performed a vocal-part in the song „The Prophecy“. I invite you to check out her new album (released just a few days ago) – it’s already her 7th one. Very emotional music (style: Art-Pop with clear influences of Progressive Rock and Soundtracks)! The highlight of the album is certainly the 3-part title track WHITEOUT (13min34). This is a link to the making-of-video:

Get ready to be surprised!